back to New York. Not literally - yet.
City Hall Park - part of a great walk back uptown from my Staten Island Ferry ride with JoeNation. ::thanks, Joe. It was a great morning::

Started the day at the Seafarer's and International House, visiting with the desk clerk for a few minutes. Loved that guy. 80 years old, retired sailor, answered the phone with "And how may I assist you with your very important call?".
Wandered down Lee Strasberg Way, crossed Broadway,

headed through Union Square, and went to the Union Square Coffee Shop to meet Joe for breakfast.
Grabbed a booth, took the side facing the door so I could watch for Joe, and watched. And listened. Wheeling and dealing of all sorts by people who didn't seem to mind if anyone else heard what they were talking about. Or maybe they all speak so loudly thinking no one else will be speaking quietly, or not speaking - just listening.
Joe arrived. Breakfast was ordered. Joe told me about the Coffee Shop and the subway and New York, and it was a great listen :: grin ::
Subway-ed to the ferry docks with Joe. We literally walked into the ferry loading hall and right onto the ferry. Joe says that never happens. But, it did. It did.
Great trip over. Learned a lot about the working harbour and islands from Joe. Can I recommend him as a great ferry host? Well, I do! We wandered around the docking area on Staten Island and then ferry-ed back. It was time for Joe to go to work, and time for me to really start that day's walking.
Headed up Broadway. Took another look at Wall Street. Why did I expect it to look more impressive? Went to the World Trade Centre site. Considered things. Realized I should have tried to get a number for Princess Ash before I came to New York.
Kept walking til I got to City Hall Park - then sat down to look around for a few minutes. What a treasure. Walked around the park a couple of times. Joined a demonstration of Haitian parents against Mayor Bloomberg. Ended up back on my original bench, listening to and talking with two charming fellas on their lunch break.
this fella was a hoot. there was another fella walking through the park whistling to the birds - this guy whistled back and then hid behind his paper - upsetting the original whistler no end

part of the Julian Oddie installation

found my demonstrators here for the second time
the reporters were getting ready around the corner

there were sheep nearby. I wonder if that was meaningful?

The Brooklyn Bridge - lotsa signs but nothin' for sale.

cool cars in that traffic

taking pix of the wrought iron fencing, I spotted some fun back by "my" original fountain

::my favourite New York City photo::
and a few more pix from around the park

Started the day at the Seafarer's and International House, visiting with the desk clerk for a few minutes. Loved that guy. 80 years old, retired sailor, answered the phone with "And how may I assist you with your very important call?".
Wandered down Lee Strasberg Way, crossed Broadway,

headed through Union Square, and went to the Union Square Coffee Shop to meet Joe for breakfast.
Grabbed a booth, took the side facing the door so I could watch for Joe, and watched. And listened. Wheeling and dealing of all sorts by people who didn't seem to mind if anyone else heard what they were talking about. Or maybe they all speak so loudly thinking no one else will be speaking quietly, or not speaking - just listening.
Joe arrived. Breakfast was ordered. Joe told me about the Coffee Shop and the subway and New York, and it was a great listen :: grin ::
Subway-ed to the ferry docks with Joe. We literally walked into the ferry loading hall and right onto the ferry. Joe says that never happens. But, it did. It did.
Great trip over. Learned a lot about the working harbour and islands from Joe. Can I recommend him as a great ferry host? Well, I do! We wandered around the docking area on Staten Island and then ferry-ed back. It was time for Joe to go to work, and time for me to really start that day's walking.
Headed up Broadway. Took another look at Wall Street. Why did I expect it to look more impressive? Went to the World Trade Centre site. Considered things. Realized I should have tried to get a number for Princess Ash before I came to New York.
Kept walking til I got to City Hall Park - then sat down to look around for a few minutes. What a treasure. Walked around the park a couple of times. Joined a demonstration of Haitian parents against Mayor Bloomberg. Ended up back on my original bench, listening to and talking with two charming fellas on their lunch break.

part of the Julian Oddie installation

found my demonstrators here for the second time

there were sheep nearby. I wonder if that was meaningful?

The Brooklyn Bridge - lotsa signs but nothin' for sale.

cool cars in that traffic

taking pix of the wrought iron fencing, I spotted some fun back by "my" original fountain

::my favourite New York City photo::
and a few more pix from around the park

Wonderful spin. Recalls me to the days I spent in Manhattan and Brooklyn. Thank you.
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