view from behind

more pictures than words, though New York can be inspiring. Friends, dogs, driving, the St. Lawrence, travel. When I remember to update. Kensington Market.

My Photo
Location: East York, Ontario, Canada

Saturday, May 28, 2005

as i was saying

The Canada Permanent Building.
The lighting's mentioned if you follow the link in the previous post.
No, I'm not dragging it here as well.
You need to read more.

Well, maybe just a bit related to something in the previous entry.
Chicago Style.
The Monadnock building.

... oops gotta run
this one's going to have to be worked on later in my life

doors open, a beautiful building, more metal work

still on the Doors Open adventure
looking through the pix
and i've been appreciating the metal work again

We spent some time in the Canada Permanent building.

Beautiful restoration.

A Tafelmusik quartet performed. Jean(ne) Lamon, Christina Mahler, Aisslinn Nosky and Stephen Marvin.
Mozart from his 15th year.
I cried.
Of course.
I always cry when the cello is played beautifully.
And it was.
We were in the second row.
Acoustics were superb.

Beryl Cook is also a fan of fine music.

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oh, i said metal work, didn't I?

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Who knew heating vents could be so beautiful?

Doors Open Toronto

Great event.

one of the buildings we went to today is the old Simpsons flagship store, which is now the headquarters of HBC.

First year it's been in the program. We went on a tour of the outside of the building, with a discussion of the development of architectural styles - and tastes.

Marvellous sandstone details were revealed the last time the building was cleaned. I'd never noticed (how often am I even outside that building?) the different shades of the sandstone. This was apparently the style in 1895/96 when the store was first built (burned down within 3 months) and then rebuilt
immediately (one of the first buildings built in Toronto in the Chicago style - with steel framing - the basis of skyscrapers). It's the oldest surviving building in Toronto built with that technique.

Walking around the building from the southwest to the southeast then northeast and northwest reveals marvellous details.

Here are three clues of changing styles in building ornamentation.

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1895 , 1908 , and 1923

the rs entwined in the centre of the numbers is for Robert Simpson

Saturday, May 21, 2005


Politics fascinates.
The difference between the U.S. v Canajun/Brit approaches.

This marvellous blog Romseyredhead - I can't even begin to imagine this happening south of the border.


A fabulous birding site -bogbumper - lovely at worst, inspirational at best. Get out the camera, get in the car, crouch down in the reeds.

signs of the times and other signs

road signs sometimes
signs of where i'm going
signs of where i've been
signs to what i'm thinking
sighs in dreams

i've been to New York
not to visit Queens

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or some other metal catches my eye

sometimes wrought iron, sometimes not
what am i seeing?
am i looking for something?
or is it just there to see

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apparently i see fire escapes when I'm in New York

what do we see when we're looking around?

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well maybe

the conquering link, to be followed by photos someday soon
spent four and a half days in New York
took over 350 photos over a couple of those days
some themes appeared when the photos were uploaded to imageshack
time to sort them out
consider them
post them
talk about them
let them talk

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links are in, baby

this is a link
i think
said sam the spink

or perhaps this ?